Saturday, January 19, 2013

Configuring Pidgin for Gtalk on Ubuntu

Default settings may not work for you like they did not for me. Here is what worked for me:
Once you have setup your account change the following settings on
accounts->>edit account
Basic->Protocol set to XMPP
Advanced->Connect port to 443
Advanced->Talk Port to
Advanced->Connection Security to old-style SSL

You might also want to go to
Tools->Plugins->Libnotify Popups ->Configure Plugin-> Uncheck Buddy signs on, to disable annoying notifications every time somebuddy comes online.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Solved: Ubuntu Touchpad Problem on Vaio VGN-CS24GH

This is a little off from the topics of this blog but this bug troubled me so much that I had to put the solution that worked, out. Here is what I did:

Run the following commands on terminal:

sudo modprobe -r psmouse 
sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/touchpad.conf

Write the following line in file touchpad.conf:
options psmouse proto=imps

Close the file. That's it!
As of now this is working perfectly on my laptop, Sony Vaio VGN-CS24GH, I hope it works for you too!

Compiling C, C++ Programs on Ubuntu

If you are a developer you need C and C++ Compiler for your development work.In ubuntu you can install the build-essential for C and C++ compilers.

Install C and C++ Compilers in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install build-essential

This will install all the required packages for C and C++ compilers

Testing C and C++ Programs

Compiling Your first C Programs

Now you need to open first.c file

sudo gedit first.c

add the following lines save and exit the file

Firstly compile the code using the following command

cc -c first.c

that would produce an object file you may need to add to the library.

then create an executable using the following command

cc -o first first.c

Now run this executable using the following command


Output should show as follows

Hello, world

Compiling your first C++ program

If you want to run c++ program follow this procedure

g++ is the compiler that you must use.

you should use a .cpp file extension rather than a .c one

You need to create a file

sudo gedit first.cpp

add the following lines save and exit the file

Run your C++ Program using the following command

g++ first.cpp -o test


Output should show as follows

Hello World!


1. Install the 'build-essential' package.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

2. Write your first C program.
gedit myhello.c
paste this code into it, and save

#include <stdio.h>

printf("Hello Ubuntu Lover!\n");

3. Compile your first C program

$ gcc myhello.c -o myhello

4. Run your first C program

$ ./myhello
Hello Ubuntu Lover!

5. Write your first C++ program
gedit myhello.cpp
paste this code into it, and save
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello Ubuntu Lover in C++" << endl;
return 0;

6. Compile your first C++ program
g++ myhello.cpp -o myhellocpp

7. Run your first C++ program
$ ./myhellocpp
Hello Ubuntu Lover in C++

Source of information:
  1. How to write and run c/c++ programs on ubuntu
  2. How to Install C and C++ Compilers in Ubuntu and testing your first C and C++ Program